WKNC 88.1 FM HD-1/HD-2
Campus Box 8607
343 Witherspoon
Raleigh, NC 27695-8607
hd-1 requests 919.515.0881
hd-2 requests 919.515.2400
business line 919.515.2401
don't fax us 919.515.5133
WKNC 88.1 FM HD-1/HD-2
Campus Box 8607
343 Witherspoon
Raleigh, NC 27695-8607
hd-1 requests 919.515.0881
hd-2 requests 919.515.2400
business line 919.515.2401
don't fax us 919.515.5133
On the air: Friday Nights 8-10PM EST
Listen to WKNC Look up a Playlist FNRR Blog Follow @Unkle_P on Twitter Make a Request by Email
Friday Night Request Rock is a weekly, all-request, hard rock and metal show hosted by Uncle Paul. The first hour features listener requests and the second hour features letters sent by prisoners in various North Carolina facilities. Uncle Paul reads the letters and plays their requests.
Click to view samples of Pen Rock artwork
Raleigh News and Observer (Thanks David!)
Goodnight Raleigh Blog (Thanks Sid!)
NC State Student Media (Thanks Jamie!)
The State of Things, WUNC Interview (Thanks Frank and Kelly!)
NC State Alumni Magazine, Winter 2007 (Thanks Chris!)