Public Service Announcement Submission Guidelines
WKNC 88.1 FM HD-1 and HD-2 is a non-commercial educational radio station charged with serving the public interest of the North Carolina State University campus and Raleigh-Durham community. As such, WKNC commits unsold sponsorship inventory to airing public service announcements (PSAs) regarding the programs, activities or services of federal, state or local governments and the programs, activities of services of registered local, state and national non-profit organizations.
PSAs are accepted for both general informational announcements about an organization and for one-time or short-run events. The 30 second pre-recorded announcements can run up to five times per day and can be in regular rotation for 30-90 days. WKNC is unable to guarantee when or if any announcement will run on the radio station. If an organization needs an announcement to run according to specific schedule, they are encouraged to purchase an underwriting package through our sponsorship director.
Interested organizations should prepare a 90-word script and send it to our programming department. Scripts should not include qualitative or comparative language, price information, calls to action, first-person and second-person language, or inducements to buy, sell, rent or lease. Please read over the following guidelines before submitting your script.
- The requesting organization MUST be non-profit and no for-profit organization can benefit from the organization or event. Announcements for fundraisers at for-profit establishments will not be accepted, even if a portion of the funds are donated to charity.
- Information or events should have obvious appeal and value to the NC State and/or Raleigh-Durham community. Events should be located in or around Wake, Durham or Orange County.
- A PSA cannot be used for political purposes; if PSAs have political slants for or against a controversial issue, they will be rejected.
- Event PSAs should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event.
- Do not send a press release, brochure, calendar or flier in lieu of a script.
- Please provide pronunciation (pro-NUN-see-A-shun) for any difficult words or names.
Example PSAs
Second Chance Pet Adoptions is a non-profit animal rescue organization serving the Triangle since 1989. Second Chance helps place dogs, puppies, cats and kittens in adoptive or foster homes. Second Chance Pet Adoptions is located one mile west of the state fairgrounds on Chapel Hill Road. Second Chance N-C dot org has photos of prospective pets, adoption applications and information on upcoming adoption events. This announcement is a public service of WKNC 88.1.
The Caldwell Fellows is a collaborative, experiential learning community dedicated to developing ethical leaders for global social change. The program invests in its scholars through tuition and experiential learning stipends. Valued at approximately 20 thousand dollars over three years, it is the only university-wide merit fellowship for exceptional students already enrolled at NC State University. Applicants must be current, full-time undergraduates in their first year of study at NC State. Applications are due January 14th and can be completed online at N-C-S-U dot edu slash Caldwell. This announcement is a public service of WKNC 88.1.